Ray Lueck, Psy.D., Family Care Psychological Services Psychotherapist, adult, child and family, evaluations |
 Ray Lueck, Psy.D., Family Care Psychological Services
Psychotherapist, adult, child and family, evaluations
Dr. Lueck is a licensed psychologist. He is an innovator in the field of psychology exploring the latest techniques for improving treatment results. He has been treating children, teens, adults and families since 1978. He specializes in non-medication alternatives to Stress, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Addictions, Learning Disorders, and psychophysiological disorders. He is a specialist in Stress Management, EEG Biofeedback, Personal Empowerment and Child Psychology. Most of his referrals are for ADHD, Aspergers, Reactive Attachment Disorder, PTSD, Anxiety Depression and stress. He has been the Director of Family Care Psychological Services since 1988.
Dr. Lueck's treatment approach emphasizes the whole person: mind, body, heart, soul and relationships. He is skilled in looking at all aspects of an individual's life to assess and determine the most effective interventions. Dr. Lueck focuses on making treatment effective and enjoyable for his clients. His approaches are unique and he is often able to intervene where other approaches have not resolved the issues. Dr. Lueck's approach is geared more toward Enhancement and achieving potentials than it is on Pathology and labeling people by their problems. He does evaluations of children, whether they are gifted or have a learning or behavioral disorder and then works with the parents and school to set up a success program for each child.
Main Office (in the Mayfair Mall Professionals' Building)
2500 N. Mayfair Road, Suite 560
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
414 771 5002
He received his Doctorate in Psychology from the Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology. He is certified by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA) in EEG Biofeedback and by the National Association of Medical Hypnoanalysis for Smoking Cessation and Pain Management. He is a registered member of the National Register of Health Service Providers and a member of the Wisconsin Psychological Association.
EEG Neurofeedback, Marital Therapy, Trauma Recovery, Stress Management and Anxiety, Depression, Academic Assessment, Psychological Testing, Psychophysiological Stress Profiles, ADHD Evaluations.
Standard |
InWellness member |
Psychotherapy |
$175 |
$130 |
Evaluations and testing |
$225/hour |
$175 |
Psychophysiological Stress Profiles |
$100 |
$75 |
Make an appointment. Call 414 771 5002
