The InWellness Network is an opportunity for you to join a group of successful holistic health service providers to work together in a mutually supportive way. Providers have formed a collective with a similarly shared treatment/care philosophy, referral and collegial networking and community goals.
Provider Benefits:
The benefits we can derive as a group are greater than any we can realize individually.
- Increased wellness-ready client volume through:
- Marketing of Network to public (advertising in community media, IW sponsored events, user-friendly and attractive web site presence)
- Referrals from IW Navigators and inclusion in InWellness Membership Plans
- IW contracts with employers; Inclusion in Insurance Wellness Packages
- Increased client satisfaction and wellness through access to IW benefits (web announcements, provider discounts...) classes, entertainment events and intro packages
- Independent practice and fee-setting
- Opportunity for collegial exchange with peers - monthly provider meetings for sharing, education, service exchange and highlighting providers' specialties
- Opportunity to create provider forums of special interest, to do research and to work on community service projects with like-minded professionals
- Free InWellness Membership Plan including an InWellness Assessment for personal and professional enhancement
Provider Agreements
In addition to maintaining professional licensure/credentialing and ethical practices in good standing, providers agree to:
- Profile on website (Photo and professional profile)
- Advertised prices for network clients: 10 - 20% benefit for InWellness Membership
- Plan Members paying cash - provide self-submit invoice for insurance carriers on request
- Ratings by clients on website (Availability, Timeliness, Environment, Service, Results)
- Sign the "Statement of Holistic Philosophy and Practices"
- Take TWISI values inventory for Wellness Navigator
- Review client's wellness record when available
- Accept Network Members - individuals and business/organizations
- Provide group or individual Intro sessions on limited basis
- Cross-links to InWellness website
Our Providers and Provider Groups (Affiliates) are experienced practitioners in the fields of both traditional and holistic health and subscribe to the Principles of Holistic Health and Wellness Practice.
Mutual needs and goals: We began meeting in the Spring of 2008, to address the need of independent wellness practitioners to more adequately educate our community about integrative approaches to health care and lifestyle enhancement, have greater collegial contact and pool our resources of knowledge as well as promotional capability. In short, we are looking to create a more effective model of community health care and wellness - our proactive answer to the "health care crisis."
InWellness Provider Membership
Full Individual Provider
Full page web profile, three modality profile links (1/2 page each), three event listings per IW Today eNews plus other benefits listed above.
Associate Individual Provider
One modality profile link (1/2 page), one event listings per IW Today eNews plus other benefits listed above.
Affiliate Group Provider
Full page web profile, five modality profile links (1/2 page each), five event listings per IW Today eNews plus other benefits listed above.
Steps to Joining
Please complete and sign the Provider/Affiliate Application Form and the Provider Agreements Form and return to InWellness. Upon acceptance, an InWellness Acceptance Package will be sent to you.
Principles of Holistic Health and Wellness Practice
(adapted from the American Board of Holistic Medicine)
These principles are part of the agreements that all InWellness providers sign and agree to practice when becoming IW providers:
1. Optimal health is the primary goal of holistic health and wellness practice. It is the conscious pursuit of the highest level of functioning and balance of the physical, environmental, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of human experience, resulting in a dynamic state of being fully alive. This creates a condition of well-being regardless of the presence or absence of disease or other life challenges.
2. The Healing Power of Love. Holistic health care practitioners strive to meet the client with grace, kindness, acceptance, and spirit without conditions, emanating from the awareness that love is life's most powerful healer.
3. Whole person. Holistic health and wellness practitioners view people as the unity of body, mind, spirit and the systems in which they live.
4. Prevention and treatment. Holistic health and wellness practitioners promote health, prevent illness and help raise awareness of dis-ease and healthy life styles rather than merely managing symptoms. A holistic approach relieves symptoms, modifies contributing factors, and enhances the client's life system to optimize future well-being.
5. Innate Healing Power. All people have innate powers of healing in their bodies, minds and spirits. Holistic health and wellness practitioners evoke, educate and help clients utilize these powers to affect the healing process.
6. Integration of Healing Systems. Holistic health and wellness practitioners embrace a lifetime of learning about all safe and effective options in diagnosis and treatment. These options come from a variety of traditions, and are selected in order to best meet the unique needs of the patient. The realm of choices may include lifestyle modification and complementary approaches as well as conventional drugs and surgery.
7. Relationship-centered care. The ideal practitioner-client relationship is a partnership which encourages client autonomy, and values the needs and insights of both parties. The quality of this relationship is an essential contributor to the healing process.
8. Individuality. Holistic health and wellness practitioners focus client care on the unique needs and nature of the person who has a challenge to health and well being rather than the challenge that the person has.
9. Teaching by Example. Holistic health and wellness practitioners continually work toward the personal incorporation of the principles of holistic health, which then profoundly influence the quality of the healing relationship.
10. Learning opportunities. All life experiences including birth, joy, suffering and the dying process are profound learning opportunities for both clients and health and wellness practitioners.
InWellness Fax 877 737 1543